Maybe our blog is turning into a code blog? Nah. All of my creative writing is bent towards rabbinical school these days, is all, and I absolutely don’t want to write about politics or everything since October 7th. For the longest time, I’ve been using FluentValidation as my go-to for complex validation on objects. Somehow,
Browsing category Nerdy Esoterica
For talent acquisition and maintainability reasons, I’m moving off of React and on to Blazor Web Assembly for one of my Software as a Service (SaaS) projects. It’s taking off faster than I expected, but my plate is always full, and it’s faster for me to code natively in C# as much as possible in
I never really had an opportunity to contribute to some of the other open source projects of a Jewish nature. I maintain a very full programming and project schedule already, between paid work and non-profit work. I’ve developed Android and iOS versions of my app, “The Kosher Backpacker Appalachian Trail Guide,” which is not open
From time to time, certain realities punch me in the face. A recent Tweet by Tom Nichols this week caused a firestorm for a variety of reasons. It didn’t upset me so much as it did others; in many ways I think Tom Nichols is an admirable and very smart dude, and in the age
In the 19th century, textile workers afraid of machines replacing their role in their industry started destroying mechanical equipment as a form of protest. Now, they weren’t, as many people believe, opposed to technological advancement, but they were highly concerned about their diminishing role in the future of their work. Today, we do associate that
Or anyone else, for that matter. A few years ago, Microsoft made a chatbot using an Artificial Intelligence farm, called “Tay,” designed to make Tweets from the perspective of a teenage girl. Within 24 hours, Internet trolls managed to subvert the chatbot AI into racist and antisemitic, claiming Jews caused 9/11 and that Hitler was
I am, always have been, and likely always will be, a nerd. It’s not books, TV shows, or movies…don’t confuse geek chic with nerdliness. Everyone likes comic book movies at this point; it’s no longer the province of desperately annoying social outliers. No, I mean the kind of guy you don’t make eye contact with
I don't want to live in a world without lions, and without people who are lions.
I was thinking the other day that it would be a good time in Amelia’s life to show her either “Aguirre, the Wrath of God” or “Fitzcarraldo” and introduce her to Werner Herzog. The man is one of my favorite filmmakers. His films often beat you over the head with imagery. When he’s paired with
It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support. ... May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants—while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.
A week ago, Amelia came home with a social studies assignment. Given that Thomas Jefferson was on a three month four of southern France and northern Italy during the Constitutional Convention, how did he influence the document? Enter the Historical Acknowledgment Du Jour – “Religious Freedom Day.” Today’s historical significance talks about our First Amendment right,
Tablet’s Liel Leibovitz offers us a rehash of Ron Rosenbaum’s 2009 Slate Article, telling us that Billy Joel is basically a master of evil, the musical corollary to Donald Trump. Eat my ass, Leibovitz. I wasn’t jiving in junior high to Trump’s Art of the Deal. Our civics teacher latched on to “We Didn’t Start