Browsing category The Family

The Challenges of Post-Adoption

“Nittai of Arbel says: Keep far from a bad neighbor, do not become connected to an evil person and don’t ever give up on the notion of reward and punishment” (Ethics of the Fathers, 1:7). When someone is adopted they are sometimes blessed/cursed with the choice of staying connected to their biological family, and that

The Isolated Season

The High Holidays are over.  I’ve mentioned before in posts that I sort of key our sense of time off of our Jewish holiday schedule.  It’s a good way to live, in anticipation of this or that time of communal celebration. In between Simchat Torah and Passover, aside from Shabbos and what minyan times we can


Grandparents. I have very few memories with mine, but I also have memories with people who stepped up when my were unable to or were gone. Brian has tons of memories of his grandparents and he relives them everyday. Often when coming to a hard decision we think of what advice they would give or

On Jewish Marriage

There have been a number of moves within the USCJ, and an article or two from Modern Orthodox rabbis lately encouraging traditional or observant Jews to be more receptive to intermarriage. With a lot of intermarried friends, I’m loathe to go on too much of a tear about this. However, coming from a family that

Nezzie Watches TV. So?

Somehow, Nezzie has learned her ABC’s, she can count to 10, she can name some shapes and colors. She is also wearing a tutu that she refuses to take off and thinks that her “boppity boo” wand will make her dad magically appear.

About Brian

Brian Kresge

Brian Kresge

Writer, President of Bangor's Congregation Beth Israel, retired soldier, programmer, father, musician, Heeb, living in the woods of Maine with three ladies and a dog. Brian is also a rabbinical student with the Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary.

About Leah

Leah Kresge

Leah Kresge

Director of Education for Congregation Beth Israel in Bangor, Maine, runs joint religious school with our sister congregation, special educator and former school board member, mother to Avi and Nezzie.

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